An ISO 9001:2015; 45001:2018 Certified Company as per ISO/IEC 17025:2017

Forensic Geotechnical Engineering Company - SGES

Forensic Geotechnics Services

Building owners sometimes lack information on loopholes in the building's construction. Many buildings settle because of the cracks developed on the surface and weakened foundations. We step right here as the forensic geotechnique consultants to mitigate the building construction failures, slope failures, etc.. Our main aim is to empower them to gain in-depth insight into their construction site and help them with our sophisticated forensic geotechnics.

Own sturdy construction sites with a forensic geopartner that has a problem-focused safety sequel steps to mitigate the construction risks

At Sarathy Geotech, we follow the below approach to offer top-notch forensic geotechnic services to our clients.

We Identify

We identify the root cause of the problem by visiting the construction site and collecting the relevant data including photographs to acknowledge and examine the distress location.

We Inspect

A good forensic geotechnical investigation requires keen observation and attention to every detail at the distress location. Our team inspects for inconsistencies in foundation design/soil report and confirmatory boreholes will also be made (if required) to the adjacent location to validate the ground profile.

We Implement

Once the problem is identified proper modifications in the ground conditions and loads from the buildings are done. We also extend our Geotechnical survey support in enhancing the existing foundation if required. Because we are the end-to-end Forensic Geotechnics company.

We Monitor

After proper mitigation measures are implemented, our team will monitor for further distress in a reasonable time to confirm new measures in the targeted distress area.