An ISO 9001:2015; 45001:2018 Certified Company as per ISO/IEC 17025:2017

Offshore Integrated Survey System Company - SGES

Offshore Integrated Survey System

Our planet consists of over 70 percent of water bodies. Every body traveling or placed on the water's surface is backed by a strong seabed and sub-surface topography analysis. This desired analysis is done by conducting required underwater studies known as Hydrographic Surveys that deal with integrated geological and geophysical surveys from Shore to Deep Ocean, including seabed sampling. SGES is a profound consultant providing an integrated offshore survey solution for many well-known Upstream/Downstream companies via various underwater geotechnical and geophysical studies.

Geotechnical Investigation

Geotechnical Investigation

We have steadily expanded our marine geotechnical capabilities to meet the increased demand for integrated geological and geophysical surveys from Shore to Deep Ocean including, seabed sampling, In- Situ testing, soil sampling and rock coring in water depths up to 1500mtrs. Some of our geo-technical investigations expertises are as below:

  • Mobilize suitable marine spread depending on the water depth
  • 5-20m: Jack up Platforms
  • 20-100m: Four Point Mooring Vessel
  • Greater than 100m : DP Vessel
  • Drilling in all types of Soil & Rock
  • In-situ testing including downhole CPT
  • Continuous CPT using seabed operated unit
  • Rig based coring
  • Vibro coring
  • Drop & Grab sampling
  • Offshore Laboratory
  • Onshore Laboratory

Reporting Capabilities

As a pioneer in offering Geotechnical and Engineering SGES is also backed by market leaders in our industry. Owing to the same we are also equipped with various reporting services for offshore surveys that we offer our clients. Our reporting capabilities include

  • Preparation of Factual Report
  • Preparation of Engineering Report:
  • Estimation of Pile Capacity, p-y, t-z, q-z curves
  • Mud mat Analysis/ Shallow Foundation Analysis
  • Pile/conductor drivability analysis using GRL WEAP software including stick and fatigue during driving analysis
  • Foundation Assessment & Leg Penetration Analysis of Jack up Rig
  • Liquefaction Potential Assessment
Geotechnical Survey